Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Assignment #19: Research & Inspiration

Research: The Candy Shop

   -generally colorful
   -very playful colors/light/childish
   -when its chocolate, they tend to do a brown color
   -popular among little kids ..also some teenagers
   -most adults won't buy from candy that much unless it's for a little kid
   -adults = more on the chocolate side
   -little kids buy the more colorful
   -the logos that can be remembered more
   -the logos that look more playful/attract little kids
   -images on the logo can relate to what they sell the most or just something they have

Inspiration Pieces:
I like this one because it's very colorful and fun looking. You can tell that it has sweets by the colors it uses. You can also tell it sells ice cream.

I like the simplicity of this one and the colors that it uses. It uses a hue of pink and green. I like that shade of pink because that is usually what i think of when I think of candy. It also has a creative way of presenting the candy picture. It is playful and would attract the target audience.

http://gavin.delint.ca/Artwork/Design/dessartlogo.gif    http://www.everybodylovescandyshoppe.com/small_store_logo.jpg
I like how to words are in the candy, I was thinking of doing something like this. :)
Some business cards for candy shops:

http://www.cupcakebusinesscards.com/i/candy_shop_business_cards-p240127617342459632wtask_315.jpg  http://rlv.zcache.com/colorful_candies_candy_shop_business_cards-p240292331666737314en3d3_400.jpg  http://businesscards123.info/images/candy_shop_business_card-p24068522114566413385fwu_328.jpg

 The first one is simple and complex at the same time. I like the organization and left alignment.

The second one looks a little hectic but it centers the info to the candy hoppe. It is very colorful

The third one is very simple, yet gets the info across, I would like to do a little more than that, but keep it nice and clean like that.


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