- target audience- the group of people that something is made to appeal to
- message- something you are trying to communciate to someone
- work ethic- the ways and values someone goes by to have more success
- employability skills-the skills that are brought up when you are needing to get hired or wanting to further advance in a job/career
- 20/20 Rule-after every 20 minutes of working on the computer, stare 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds
- Right-To-Know Laws-the laws that describe that employees should know about any hazards at work
- icon- an image that represents a bigger idea
- vector-based graphics- images that are made through mathematical calculations
- specs/specifications of a project- the important ideas that need to be put in a project that the customer would usually provide
- dialog box- a specific box on a computer program that has tasks that are specified for the box
- palette- the dialog box that has all of the available colors that we can use
- guidelines- rules that need to be followed or rules that can help you through your work
- extensions- a suffix that you add to a file so you know where it comes from and how it is set up
- contextual menu- options you can have in a list form that you get when you right click
- clipping mask- the shape that you can put over other objects or pictures to outline and get rid of everything else around it
- hue- another name for color
- primary colors- the basic colors that create the secondary colors; red, yellow, and blue
- secondary colors- the colors created when you mix to primary colors together; orange, green, and purple
- tertiary colors- the colors created when you mix one primary color and one secondary color together; red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet; the primary color is stated first, followed by the secondary color mixed with it
- nuetral colors- colors with low intensity that are not on the color wheel; grays, browns, blacks, and whites
- Continuous tone image- an image that has colors that flow into the next color/shade without a separation
- Resolution- the number of pixels in a digital picture; can represent the quality of the image
- File size- the number of pixels in an image; shows you how big your picture is and how much space it takes up
- typography-
- typeface-
- serif-
- body type-
- display type-
- reverse type-
- point size-
- ligatures-
- amperstand-
- small caps-
- lowercase-
- uppercase-
- Flush left: when all of the text is aligned to the left
- Flush right: When all of the text is aligned to the right
- Centered: when each line is individually centered
- Justified: both the right and left sides are aligned
- Small caps: all capital letters that only go to the waistline
- Lining: regular, uniform numbers
- Non-lining: numbers have ascenders and descenders
- Leading: space in between lines of type
- Margins: the empty space around the document
- Kerning: allows you to adjust the space in between characters
- Tracking: allows you to adjust the letters of a whole paragraph or any amount of text
- concept- an idea; something formed in one's mind
- final product- end result; how we ultimately communicate to our audience
- thumbnail- a quick sketch to get a thoughts out of your mind and onto paper
initial cap: larger decorative capital lettersat the beginning of a text or a paragraph