Friday, March 9, 2012

Photography | 1839 - 1960s AD

Until the 1880s, how were news stories illustrated?
~from engravings or woodcuts

What is a camera obscura?
~a way to observe light
~literally means "dark chamber"
~an optical device that projects an image of its surrounds onto a screen

Post an example of a camera obscura.

How did scholars and artists utilize the camera obscure?
~scholars used this for the safe observation of solar eclipses and the phases of the moon
~artists used this as a way to trace outside scenes and pain or draw them

From where did the photographic camera develop?
~the portable box

Who first used the term "photography"? Where was is derived from?
~Sir John Hershel

~the Greek words for light and writing

Post an example of the first photograph.  

Who is credited with making the first successful photograph?
~Joseph Niepce

Post an example of a Daguerreotype image.

Who invented the Daguerreotype process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?
~Louis Daguerre

~Advantage: good process of making
~Disadvantage: expensive and the image could not be duplicated

Post an example of a Calotype image.

Who invented the Calotype process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?
~William Fox Talbot

~Advantage: from the negative of the calotype an unlimited amount of duplicates could be made
~Disadvantage: quality was inferior to the striking images produced by the Daguerreotype process

Post an example of a Wet Collodion Process image.

Who invented the Wet Collodion process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?

~Fredrick Scott Archer
~Advantage: much faster, reduced the exposure time to two or three seconds, the cost was significantly less than the previous processes

Post an example of a Dry Plate Process image.

Who invented the Dry Plate process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?
~Richard Maddox

~Advantage: better quality
~Disadvantage: not accessible to everyone; too complicated

Who is George Eastman? What company did he establish?
~made Photography accessible to all


Post an example of The Kodak Camera from 1888.

In 1888, he produced a camera that use his flexible roll film. How did he make this camera/photography accessible to the public?
~it replaced fragile glass plates with a photo-emulsion coated on paper rolls; used gelatin as a base, added a very thin celluloid back and coated it with the emulsion

~all the people had to do was take the picture and their company would do the rest

What is Edwin Land best known for? What company did he establish?
~patenting polarized light filters in 1934 and his invention of instant photography in 1948

~Polaroid Corporation

Post a photo of the first Polaroid camera.

How long did the first Polaroid camera take to produce a photo?
~60 seconds

What was Eadweard Muybridge known for?
~paved the way for motion picture photography

Post a photo of the Zoopraxiscope.

What is the Zoopraxiscope?
~a device used to project a series of images in a successive phases of motion

Post a photo of Muybridge's horse in motion.

How did Muybridge settle the debate and photograph a horse in motion?
~experimentation: he successfully photographed a horse in fast motion

In 1880s, the development of the motion picture camera allowed this?
~individual images to be captured and stored on a single film reel

Post a photo of a motion picture projector.

What is a motion picture projector?
~a camera where a light shines through the film and magnifies the "moving picture" onto a screen for an audience

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