Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Roman Alphabet | 7th century BC

What was the basis of the Roman uppercase alphabet?
 ~A variant of the Greek alphabet

What were the purposes of the formal and informal styles of lettering?
~Formal script was used for important manuscripts and official documents
~Informal script was used for letters and routine types of writing
Why is the Roman alphabet the most widely used and what contributions did it make?
~They refined several distinct styles of lettering which were used for different purposes
~Ensured that type was perfectly aligned in rows = greatly contributed to type aesthetics
From where did serifs originate?
~The carving of words into stone in Ancient Italy
When and where did lowercase, or minuscule, letters develop?
Rome in the 3rd century.
What is a ligature and why were they utilized?
~The connection between letters
~Helped the chisel

Post an example of the Roman alphabet in visual form.

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