What is the pen tool used for?
~Making lines
~Making curved lines
~Adding anchors
~Removing anchors
How can you manipulate a path/line in Illustrator? Discuss the use of the white arrow tool, pen+, pen-, and convert tool.
~Use the White Arrow Tool to manipulate a path/line
~White arrow tool lets you manipulate a path or line and anchor points
~Pen+ lets you add anchors to a line or shape
~Pen- is the opposite of Pen+, it lets you take away anchors from a shape or line
~Convert tool is a carrot looking arrow and you click on anchor points to either curve them or make them sharp
How can you utilize the layers palette in Illustrator?
~When you want to trace something you can put that picture in one layer and trace it onto another layer. This way, when you are done with your product, you won't have the picture you traced.
How do you create a clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator?
~First, create the shape of what you want to clip. Make sure that it has no fill or line color.
~Second, bring the shape you created to the very front and put it on top of what you are "clipping".
~Third, highlight everything that you want to clip out of the mask.
~Fourth, go to the Object Menu, go down to Clipping Mask, and click Make.